fly like a bird, take to the sky, i need you now lord, carry me high, don't let the word break me tonight, i need the strength of you by my side

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Story Part1



“ U got mail!”电脑程序化的机械声音不厌其烦地提醒着主人,messager也自动打开窗口,电子朋友一字排开。阿孝总觉得这些家伙里,总有人在等他的出现,好事也罢,歹事也罢,现实里没有被需要的遗憾多少有点被补偿。没有见面的必要,信息却以光速传递,比靠空气传播的音速还略胜一筹,如果有一天人类的嘴巴变成多余的器官,也没什么好奇怪的,见怪就不怪了嘛。

<你知道还问? > 阿孝面无表情地回了一句,电脑面前是没有必要浪费表情的。
<: P, 吃的brunch是牛奶土司? >
<这么不健康的组合你也吃? >
<我要死的那天,会通知你的> 阿孝硬着头皮把嚼了半天的面包吞下,便关了对话窗口,起身要去给“馒头”准备狗食。馒头是只英国斗牛犬,短小的四肢,圆滚的身材,最会装可怜,远远看去就好似一团会动的面团,现在可能还在梦见自己啃着史前恐龙的小腿骨吧。阿孝唤着它的名字,一边把狗食倒入印着馒头名字的盘子里。睡眼惺忪,馒头慢理斯条地踱步进书房,俨然一副要在里面吃它的brunch的样子。“要死啊?出来吃!”阿孝命令道,馒头才不甘愿地从房间里出来。要不是馒头曾经有过啃坏了电脑电线的不良纪录,阿孝不会介意一只身材略胖的狗依偎在身边。狗需要人才可以活下去,人也需要狗才不会感觉寂寞,互相需要才是让人和狗的关系延续了上千年。

<想出来走走吗? >
<那就晚上见吧,bye bye>


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Top 10 Not-So-Safe Places for the Holidays (from nus magazine, hooked)

10. Springfield. (How safe is it to let Homer Simpson work in a Nuclear Plant?)

9. Singapore. (It’s a fine city.)

8. New York. (You might get fired by Donald Trump.)

7. Gotham City. (It is really a dark place to drive around at night in Gotham.)

6. San Francisco. (The Charmed ones have been killing demons up until today.)

5. The Orange County (OC). (Too many good looking people live there and that’s freaky.)

4. Smallville. (Too many crazy people are exposed to Kryptonite)

3. Wisteria Lane. (Hot housewives make it great but still, there’s a murderer on the loose.)

2. Townsville. (The Powerpuff Girls can only save you before bedtime.)

1. Michael Jackson’s Theme Park. (It’s a different type of fun.)

sigh~ kids nowadays...

i was stinky half an hour ago, juz get my ass back home after playing bball, alone, again...ok, not exactly alone, but it doesnt make much difference.

was happily playing shoot outs and doing easy lay-ups as warm up, a flock of kids passed by the court and two of them've got the gut to stop by and ready to pick up the ball that i missed the ring..out of kindness, i shared the ball with them. BUT, they are not cute at all even they are juz primary kids, i wish i could strangle them using my bare hands, or squeeze the ball into their ass...a kid juz made a few shots in in the zone, consecutively, and another kid started shouting:" burn him burn him!!", apparently they are jealous of my longbow shots if not out of rudeness...(if it's latter, they would be dead), sigh~ c the saddness after graduating from jc?? haf to share the court with primary kids whose height barely make it over my waistline T_T...where are u all, guys??loong mentioned to me that he's not getting hands on bball for quite some time in the last guys' outting, sad, sad, sad...

primary kids dont haf stamnia, wat a blessing to me...

another bunch of sec sch kids came, well, they were much more respectful and they got their own balls, but i still have to share the court with them, i dont mind sharing the court if they wan to play 3 on 3 etc since i was pretty warmed up...if lotsa pple doing shoot outs tgt, even the balls that're supposed to be in may be bounced out, and that's not last, got a guy from peicai sec suggested to play team that would include me, wonderful, but the rest responded with "siao!" and walked off the court..-_-'", i din noe whether i shld be sad or happy at that moment, fine, i would take that as compliement. BUT, the peicai guy's got the spirit, he wanted to challenged me 1 on 1...i like that, since i cant rem when was my last time playing 1 on 1.

peicai guy is abit ah beng, those type of player that would make alot of noise during the game..well, how can i lose him rite??how can i lose to a sec sch guy rite??how can i lose to a ah beng look alike rite??if i lose to a sec sch guy, i bet weiloong would be more than happy to suan me that for the next whole year? and king will laugh at me, and anthony will only laugh louder at me and daniel will point at my nose and laugh the loudest, and even chester would call me a loser?? afterall we all carrying 06 names, ain't we?

how can i let all these happen rite?? wahahaha...finished him with 5 shots and 2 layups, and he was complaining abt my ball that is abit bouncy and he couldnt control the ball well...c'mon, LIKE I CARE, wat's the piont that u could have fanciful dribbling all the way from 3 pointer line to down at the ring, and when u made the shot, ya ball was still slapped away by me?? immatured player...i guess the challenge was supposed to be a show, since among those guys there was a girl...why the heck muz they bring a girl?boost their confidence?

too bad, u take on the wrong guy...

Friday, May 20, 2005

madness go away la..

had a strange dream this afternoon when napping...wonder if i m getting mad

i saw myself wearing black suit, those really really formal ones with tie surmore, but on my feet i m wearing converse i was asking my mom:" do i look alrite?", she said:"u look gd and beta be on ya feet, or u'd be late"

"late? late for wat??"( at that point, i guess my sub-consciousness and my consciousness all mix up, otherwise i wouldnt ask this kinda question)

and juz like movies, the scene changed from home to church subsequently, lotsa pple in there ready and to my horror, i saw the whole bunch of 06 guys wearing same black suit sitting at the frontmost seat, smiling at me, well, those cheeky smiles wouldnt be very encouraging even thou it's juz the image created by my abnormal brain activity..

"it'a ya big day, u are getting married" some one said to me...(why the heck would those pple appear there, can i ever haf a more normal dream??)

so the girl was waiting there, and juz be4 i was stepping forward, the father asked out of nowhere:"u wan to marry this man?" i could sense the sarcasm in the tone...and bigger smiles i could c from the guys' faces..."no, i dont wan to marry him liao"


"coz he's wearing converse sneaker for wedding"

then the guys suddenly all stood up clapping and cheering..."dude, now u cant get married, no excuse for u not to go with us to play bball liao.."

that's when i woke up...sigh~ juz becoz of converse sneaker?i thk i nid to play more game and read less comic, and it's time get myself a new bball...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

angels and demons

angels? Posted by Hello

juz finished reading this book by dan brown last nite, it's a great piece of work i muz say..and yet i heard pple suggesting that "the da vinci code" is the real master piece, maybe i shld get the book form king and do my prayer later.

religion is the test of will power, it orientates ard the theme of good and evil since thousands of years ago, wars were launched in the name of God, but in no record that the Holy bible suggested war should be carried out in any way, and human being could always find reasons if not excuses to execute what they deem to be right in their own judgement, killing is an option not an obligation...naively, pple have suggested that even angels had wars between themselves, but they've forgotten the blood of Jesus was to wash away our sins, we are blessed but we are never satisfied with that, suffering continues and we juz play ignorance.

may God love us all...

when the time comes, will we be in fear?will we only then start to feel sorry for wat we've done, those bitter memories that will haunt us even we've been granted a space in heaven? well, we may end up in hell...i pray for everything that i got, but it doesnt reduce the desire for more, i m a greedy human being afterall, i wish i could redeem my sins, only God noes...i pray for my loved ones and those that love me, but never in my mind that i thk the enemy is worth my prayer, however God loves everyone, which includes my enemy, His love trivilises all hatred...weakness of human nature is that we are never too hesitant to shoot vicious words at our enemies, and yet hoping that God is on our side. ironic hur, yes, it is.

well, from wat i noe, Hell isnt a good place to be, so let's try harder for heaven.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

10 things to do when anthony leong chan xeng is back...

1. to suan or to be suaned( tell me u are still skillful, ain't u?)

2. basketball ( today happened to pass by the chen shan CC, the court there now is much beta than last time, din c the drug addict there thou)

3. crapping, laming and trying to strip each other...

4. go and say hello to the qiu lian aunites

5. raiders anyone?

6. blindcat( i wonder whether the residents would call the police if they ever c a bunch of guys aged 20 occupying the place that's suppose for the kids..hmm hu cares?)

7. comics, i m reading IS now and shld intro to all those humji guys coz the story is abt humji guys, the girl is damn cute and the guy is damn horny...wahahaha

8. class outing..yes, i mean class outing, not guys outing that happens to pump into the girls', we are old enough rite

9. movies, by that time "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" shld be out..a perfect show for the guys, coz it's stupidly funny enuff..

10. wrestling??(UK got this kinda entertainment?or is it juz abt that bimbo jordan?)

SO...anthony leong chan xeng, u'd beta finish ya exam and get ya ass back here ASAP...dont make the guys waiting, u noe we got everything but patience

Thursday, May 12, 2005

wat kinda pple u are?

ok, most of the time i will feel that this is clicking at the options, u are simply randomly choosing the ans that would be sorted out and pop out on ya screen...and then u would most probably try to convince yaself that u are the person that's been described in the text, how wonderful...

if u wanna noe how ridiculous those online test can be..try this, but remember u decide who u wanna be, not machines...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Growing Up

was cycling last nite in the park, wanted to test whether my skills are still sharp or rusty...personal favourite trick: full-spin free hand style is the best way to test out..

ok, let me get it clear, i dun wan pple accusing a frenzy lad for dangerous riding, and neither i wan anyone sees me kissing the ground when my tricks fail, so had to wait for the right moment for the crazy stuff...nearly kill myself when almost lost control at the full speed, but somehow that emergency brake worked and saved my day, and saved me from being bandaged like a mummy. i guess the only poor thing is da bicycle, missing screw at the rear...fear set in, when i sat down at the pavilion and started rewinding wat had juz happened, started imagining wat had not happened, wat if this, wat if that...

damn, i had never regreted so much risking my own life...

when was 13, 14 life was juz reckless, too energetic hur? i shld said that's the passion for life, u seem to be naive about the word "regret", so wat if i fell when trying to perform slam dunk by stepping onto the desk back to sec sch days in my home town?i would have told u that i juz wan to get a feeling of dunking, coz i noe in my whole life i would never ever slam the ball into the basket, i lived for that moment i would do watever it takes to give the best shot for that moment...that's passion, but it seems fading away as age takes move forward.

why i fear mistake? no, i m not intimidated, all i fear is that i lost the drive to even commit a mistake...i'd rather die trying than sitting there regretting, even if the chance for success is out of a million, there's still a chance...juz like the days when first started playing b-ball, so wat they dont give a shit about me, juz coz i m a rookie? how many days i spent on the court, doing those basics? "if i cant get into zone, i will shatter u from outside"was my motto, and with that i won some respect if not appreciation from my opponents...

that was past, wat now?

esaily feel comfortable in my own safe zone, passion's dying and i m doing nuthing to stop that the symdrome of growing up? u start to consider consequences, and drive yaself nuts by only anticipating pessimistic outcome, and at last u will pull off any initiative to start doing wat u like..."life's like a box of chocolate, u never noe wat u gonna get"

but, wat if i cant even find that box of chocolate?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

family man

i m not the only one happy abt my holiday, my mom too feels great about it...coz she wont be the one doing gorcery shopping, for now.

well, compared to university work, house work juz doesnt look like bullshit at all. remember watching this show on discovery channel, a study shows that man doing house work has a beta sexual life compared to man who doesnt even noe how to use a dish washer, two reasons: they got exercised, and their wives are less i m juz preparing for my

first thing to do after getting off the bed at 12 noon is to rush down to the super market and wet market for the gorcery today and pray that they still got the things u wan, if my mom ever noes that i woke up at 12 she wont ever hand me the family purse...but, thk of it this way, i got the family purse, i will decide wat's on the menu for dinner, so i could oso decide when to do it, and do it the way i like it to be...hmm, i m the house keeper now, so dont question the way i run the house..

hope my mom will never read this..dont translate this for her..

down at the super market, extra benefit of doing house work shows itself...saw this cute girl entering the entrance when i was queuing to pay money, juz in a while she's already queuing behind me, and holding a pink colour milk packet(speachless when i saw that pink colour milk packet)..and it turned out that she's actually one of the cashiers in da super market, and today she's off...

mom, i volunteer to do more gorcery shopping...really

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


well, a five stars rated game wud naturally trigger the alarm in my head...since my position paper was about gaming, and this game was mentioned despite i din lay my hand on it at all..i guess it's the right time to test out.

that's why i bought Doom3.

ok, fantastic graphic, smooth control, great weapons and a huge map...everything looks fine, not until those monsterous creatures flooded the place and turn those scientists and soldiers into walking zombies that are senstitive to lights and feed on dead bodies(why sound so alike resident evil?? same script writter?), juz using pistol to get rid of those was kinda hard coz nid constant reloading, so i was given a hand on a shot gun, yes, a big bad shot gun...ahha, i'd thot shot gun means greater recoil, and those zombies would juz fly away when being shot and covered in the mist of blood..i was wrong, i was totally the close combat, the shot gun could shatter the enemy into pieces, and it's really pieces flying everywhere(but sometimes they defy the law of gravitation, coz the body parts juz drop on the floor as if there is giant magnet on the floor...or is it becoz the game makers set the story background on Mars, such that Newton is no longer respected? i shld have taken physics on Mars then). and when i was given a submachine gun, i thot the situation will change...hmm, i guess the whole game is abt shattering your enemies into pieces, beyond any degree of recoginition.

other than blood and body parts, i hate those game designers who enable the zombies to be stealth and well-hidden...imgaine u are making your character walking down a corridor that's been painted in blood, and the lights are suddenly out, when u enable ya torch, a fu*king dead face with half of its forehead gone and a blood-fested eyeball dangling out there appeared on ya screen, and thanks man, the graphic is good remember? it makes u panic, and press the wrong button for weapons, so when u finally got da darn weapon, u will make sure the zombies are not in one piece, that's the price for scaring u...

k, k..guess i become too sentimental when playing violent games...

that's not all, the worse is they make it very interactive...other than toking to live characters at the click of ya mouse, they oso make victims at the verge of grusome death toking to u, without even clicking ya mouse...and the victims would be begging u to give them a clear shot at the head to end their suffering(eg. an opened up chest or stomach, lower jaw's missing etc, damn disgusting and stupid, how can a man with opened up chest or missing jaw beggin u? or is it juz another miracle on Mars??) most of time, be4 they even ask, i would have shot them, sometimes becoz i mistaken them as zombies, my paranoid is playing prank..other times is becoz their crying is really uncomfortable for pple like me who playing this game at such a late hour...

sigh~ it's only the beginning...more and more trauma would come, but by then i would already become numb, should haven taken the advice from chengwei to pick up a course during the end up trying to smuggle big gulps into theater and being traumatised by the game i bought for myself, and it's juz the 4th day into the holiday...

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Operation Big Gulp

Time: GMT(+8:00)--18:50

Location: J8 GV

Mission: smuggle two 500ml big gulps of coke into the theater

Collaborator: King

Objective: we like to defy rulez

Briefing: we've felt that too much monoply is taking place in the movie theaters, too much regulations, too much litmits, too much protectionism for their boss's end of year bonus...the burden is thus transferred to the movie goers. we refuse to buy the coke provided by them, coz half of the gulp would be filled with ice-cubes and yet is charged for at least 2 bucks, we are not stingy with da money, we feel unappreciated. that's the motivation for the covert mission. Sgt samson's got a perfect plan-out: hide the gulps in the grocery bags along with his snacks purchased and some camouflage with a magazine (warning: do not try this at home, coz u may end up spilling the drink all over the place, this requires skills) for our pride, we walked towards the tix officer, whom expectingly asked to check the grocery bags. under such a situation, staying cool is the only way out, and our camouflage did work. but, the second officer came, apparently with higher rank, and more experience presumably, saw through our disguise...we were required to surrender our big gulps to their fridge until the end of the show..gulps became the POW, but dun let ya head down, there's always come back.

Status: Mission Failed.

debriefing: over-confidence is killer, never too shy to have a back up plan.
looking forward to mission star wars with Sgt samson...D-day's coming