fly like a bird, take to the sky, i need you now lord, carry me high, don't let the word break me tonight, i need the strength of you by my side

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

life's good, life's good

the gang Posted by Picasa

well..just got back home form athena's birthday party, on calls from mom regularly in intervals of like 30 minutes, of course. otherwise may stay and touch the dance floor on the request from those was fun, though the timing isnt that fantastic, it's monday!! and the next day i still got sch at 10am, despite the fact that my mood is already tuned to chinese new year, i m still trying to keep the impression of good student that never late for class, even the class is human factor engineering( i m trying very hard to figure out what it is since the start of this semester, i m still trying), i even refrain myself from drinking anything that's alcoholic, ahem, juz one cup of vodka with smth, shldnt let the host down...

anyway, again, Happy Birthday and stay young

not birthday girl again

familiar? Posted by Picasa

nid to orz to u...ya got morning tutorial at 830am, and yet u touched the dance i know that's the merit of staying hall, and why there are so many bashes organised by hall com...smooth ride back ntu

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

not birthday girls me

... Posted by Picasa

ain't we supposed to make face tgt? why do i see a smily face there??

not Birthday girl

Dede Posted by Picasa

double vicotry!!

Birthday girl

birthday girl Posted by Picasa

athena...plz stop wearing snoopy tshirt...u are 21 year old now!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

转载: 中国最难懂的十大方言





四川话在西南地区有很大的影响, 属于汉语北方方言西南官话的一个分支,语音、词汇、语法等和普通话有很大的一致性,也有自己不同的特点,而以语音方面的差异最大。四川话语音系统共有20个声母、36个韵母、4个声调,还有韵母儿化现象。由于四川人口众多,而且外出打工的人也很多,使得四川方言让很多人熟知。只要语速不过快,四川话基本上还是都能够听懂的。


长沙是湖南的省会, 是全省政治、经济和文化的中心,而且人口众多,交通便利,因此长沙方言从古至今,一直受北方方言的影响,与普通话距离较小。使用人口约占汉族总人口的5%,因此,它在汉语方言中占有重要的地位。湖南是个出伟人的地方,而且《红楼梦》里面都透露出分明的湖南方言语境。




我来上海两年了, 由于没有下苦功夫去学习上海话,至今只勉强能听得懂为数不多几句的上海话,只会说说侬好,阿拉几个最基本的“上海单词”。上海话和浙江的杭州话以及宁波话多少有些相似的地方,但是我个人认为上海话还是比较好听的,最近我专门找了个上海朋友,加强培训我上海话,看看靠了三次才通过英语4级的我,能用多长时间才能学会上海话。


苏州话体现了浓浓的古意和一种书卷气。苏州人说“不”为“弗”, 句子结尾的语气词不用“了”而用“哉”,人们听见苏州话会有一种亲切感。苏州话历来被称为“吴侬软语”,其最大的特点就是“软”,尤其女孩子说来更为动听。在同属吴方言语系的其他几种方言中,等都不如苏州话来得温软。有句俗话说宁愿听苏州人吵架,也不听宁波人说话,充分说明了苏州话这个“软”字。但是苏州话音调好听,但是意思难懂,我曾经有一位朋友,在上海一年就能说一口非常正宗的沪语,但要跟人学几句苏州话就真的是不知所云了。





广东话可以说现在是流传广泛, 很多人都会说几句简单的广东话,但是我把广东话排名第二的原因是,广东话不只有自己独特的发音,还有自己的文字,而且在广州的公交车上都是先用广东话再用普通话进行报站的,有些广东人包括香港人甚至听不懂普通话,这足以说明广东话与普通话的差别之大,而且广东人很保护自己的方言,只要有可能他们都会尽量使用自己的方言。


排名第一:温州话   不知大家有没有听说过这样一句话,说是天不怕地不怕,就怕温州人说鬼话。这里所说的鬼话并不是侮辱温州人的意思,据说在抗日战争中,八路军部队相互之间联系由于保密需要,都是派两个温州人,进行电话或者步话机联系,而日本鬼子的情报部门,总是也翻译不出这发音极其复杂的温州话,可以说当时的温州人就像美国大片中的风语者一样,为抗战胜利起到了相当大的作用。所以说鬼话并不是说温州人说的话是鬼话,而是日本鬼子听不懂的话。通过这个我们就可以了解到温州话有多么难懂。


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

To Samson Han Fu Chou a.k.a the King

dude, juz wan to add on what ya missed, refresh ya memory and bring ya back to those sweet of ya best forfeit was to do star jump in the MIDDLE of aj-squre during the common break, yeah baby!! what a sight...besides that, there were hell lot of funny if not classified as stupid things u did that really made our days, appreciate that

opening file: my memory\2002-2003\AndersonJuniorCollege\0602\classmates\samson

loading 0%...loading 11%...loading 25%...loading 57%...loading 79%...loading 95%...loading 100%


the Quek incident:
u were caught not paying attention to him during the FM lecutre right, sam? well, for those who still have last bit of recall for Mr. Quek and his little yellow van, juz imagine he calling sam's name by prolonging pronouciation of last half of sam's name, it goes like "samsooooooon"...the man then "boycotted" (in layman term, skip; in 06 guys' term, dont give a shit to) all Quek's lectures, finding himself alone in the library mugging hard to decipher those differentiations and mathmatical inductions and PROVED to Quek that he could survive without his lecutres...hope Quek's got ya message, but all that while i wanted to tell ya though i din, 'cause i dont wan to be exiled to mars, was: man, u are the king! dont be a baby...

the Sakae Sushi incident:
how to clean the table that's gone beyond any description of mess after sushi fest? the short-cut was NOT to call help from waitress, i repeat , it's NOT to ask any help from the waitress...sitting closest to the rotating belt and all other accessories, u brilliantly gathered all the mess on the table and secretly hid it inside the green tea box, wow! that's indeed a faster way to clean than asking the waitress...however, waitress still came and removed those empty plates for us and be4 she left the table, the thoughtful waitress probably wanted to ensure her guests wouldnt run short of green tea, she opened the box...and WooHaa, the whole table was in the cloud of embarrassment, i really really wanted to laugh and u were juz sitting beside me...well, u are very creative, u noe? buahahahaha

the Risk incident:
anthony told me abt it, and i cant stop laughing with him...aint u supposed to study and burn ya night oil rather than playing risk with ant and dan? though pledged no alliance between any two parties, as u agreed. but, both of them attacked only U and made way for each other for the purpose to attack you even further..*claps*, and u got pissed, and started cursing all over the house and went back to ya room...i serious enjoy seeing anthony imitating the way u got pissed and say:" dont wan to play la, *beep* you! "...well, dont worry too much for our beloved king, he apologised for his unsensible behaviour and dan replied:" it's ok! we forgive you!"

ps: actually, that night, ant and dan did collaborated against sam...

for more infomation, plz visit, it will make ya day...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

isn't this beautiful

o Posted by Picasa

玉春楼 by 宋祁(字 子京)

绿杨烟外晓寒轻, 红杏枝头春意闹。


well, it's kinda hard to verify how our ancestors tune the above lyrics thousand years ago, what if they've done it like rap...if they've bulit the Great Wall without cranes, why cant they tune a song to make it like rap?

u never noe...

Monday, January 02, 2006

this is so cool..part II

aj from sky Posted by Picasa

this is the best i can do...i cant enlarge it anymore...damn, but still cool

this is so cool...part I

ajc Posted by Picasa